
Rapha's staff is specialized, highly qualified and anointed to fill the position they occupy. The vision of using their individual vocation to enhance the totality of Rapha's thrust is ever before each individual. They fully recognize that they "Labor as unto the Lord." They grasp that the time is short and that much is yet to be accomplished. Unproductive effort is not part of their composition or endeavor. Each contact with Rapha is presupposed to be prompted by the Spirit of Christ and is a treasured contact. 

As God opens doors into unchartered lands and people, Rapha will enlarge the staff with diverse, discipled individuals. The staff is well acquainted and guided with the verse, "Can two walk (serve) together, except they be agreed?" that God revealed through the prophet Amos.

Rapha believes in accomplishing "great things through great God-fearing people."  Guided by this belief, Rapha does not look into the color of a person's skin, or the bank account of a person, but seeks to find those who love, worship and obey God.


Dr. Lee West

Senior Pastor

Dr. Violeta West

Wellness Coach

Kimberley White

Discipleship Coach

Todd White

Media Director